Wordgram is an Anagram producing application with wildcard-powered word guessing feature. This application accepts meaningful English words to produce all valid English anagrams and sub-anagrams. It also accepts words with wildcard characters to produce all possible complete English words.
1. Anagram search: e.g. "chingtea" - will give all possible anagrams like teaching ,cheating and sub anagrams like etching, chain , heat ,etc.
2. Wildchar search -Enter ? for wildchar search. e.g. teachin? will give you words teaching
tea?hin? will give words teaching.
This app can be used as a powerful tool for reference in the world of word-games, cryptography and puzzles. Wordgram does not require data connection once it has been downloaded on the device. The English Lexicon employed may have limitations concerning plurals/tense-related forms.